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Love letters from the Universe. (And also us.)

Take a spin through our compendium 
of must-read posts.

How does Valentine’s day and modern romance feel to you? Does this holiday leave you feeling more lonely and isolated, or can it spark a renewed sense of how you relate to the world romantically?

Love & Relationships, The Meditation Vault

Live Q&A: Valentine’s Day. The Morning After.

Valentine's Day and modern romance

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Body magic

Join Three Brodsky and Fenix Grace in their discussion on Instagram Live of what Body Magic is and how to cultivate a harmonious, healthy relationship with your body.

Live Q&A: Body Magic

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The Meditation Vault

Join Miwa and Three in their most recent Instagram Live session, where they delve into the subject of the afterlife.

Their discussion explores the journey of the soul and the process it undergoes to transition to the other side.

The Meditation Vault, Uncategorized

Live Q&A: All About the Afterlife

the afterlife

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sex and spirituality

Watch Miwa and Three’s Instagram Live as they discuss the interplay between sex and spirituality.

Live Q&A: Sex and Spirituality

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The Meditation Vault

A deep dive into the Who’s Who of entities! Learn the difference between beings with free will and those without.

The Meditation Vault

Live Q&A: Beings Without Bodies


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Join Miwa and Three on Instagram as they explore the fascinating life and work of Miwa’s father-in-law, John Mack. A tenured psychiatry professor at Harvard, Mack brought credibility to the claims of experiencers, bridging the gap between academia and the extraordinary.

Review of Netflix Show Encounters with Miwa’s Father-in-law

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The Meditation Vault

Psychic kids are not a fluke—everyone is born psychic! The key isn’t to teach your kids specific tools per se, but to ensure that you are using your energy awareness to maintain your own vibration. When your vibe is good, your kids will match you.

The Meditation Vault

Live Q&A: Spiritual Parenting

psychic kids

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clair senses

Everyone possesses all six clair senses—it’s just a matter of how well you can develop each one. Learn how to get in touch with your clair senses and sharpen your psychic abilities.

Live Q&A: The Six Modes of Intuitive Sensing

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The Meditation Vault

If you’re wondering what is the astral plane, this episode is for you! Watch Miwa Mack and Three Brodsky in their latest Instagram live as they discuss what’s happening when you’re dreaming and how dream interpretation can be misunderstood. Tune in for great discussion of the astral plane!

The Meditation Vault

Live Q&A: All Things Astral

what is the astral plane

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overcoming polarization

Tune into Miwa Mack and Three Brodsky as they discuss how to develop tolerance and overcome polarization despite what is happening in the media in their latest episode of Psychics Gone Live.

Live Q&A: Walking with Tolerance

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The Meditation Vault

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