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Love letters from the Universe. (And also us.)

Take a spin through our compendium 
of must-read posts.

Relationships are dynamic and alive. They need pruning just like a garden! Learn how to tend to your relationships so they can bloom and thrive.

Love & Relationships

Letting Go to Create Healthy Relationships

Healthy relationships

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benefits of grounding

Grounding is one of the easiest steps you can take to be in harmony with yourself, your body, and the planet. Practice your grounding meditation, and see what happens in your body and in your life! 

The Benefits of Grounding to Earth: A Comprehensive Guide 

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Designing Your Life, Emotions & Self-Care

“I definitely don’t want to date this Dude, but I care about him, have love for him, and feel that he has potential. If he could know what true love is and open his heart, he could get on a better path in life and do great things.”

Love & Relationships

Dear Love Psychic: Can My Love Save Him?

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“As best as I can tell, I am entirely blocked from communicating with him. It has been 11 days. I’m devastated. Past physiological and emotional symptoms of abandonment are making me anxious and ill.”

Dear Love Psychic: I Got Ghosted. Now What?

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Love & Relationships

If you’re having trouble finding and or forming a connection with someone that feels satisfying, there’s usually an unproductive feedback loop that is occurring.

Love & Relationships

Waiting For Love and Connection

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“Is karma created with every romantic relationship?”
Kinda. Here are some steps for avoiding karma in relationships.

Dear Love Psychic: Karma and Romance

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Love & Relationships

“Why am I stuck on this person who I consider my soulmate but we’re not together?” Soulmate theory sets relationships up with sky-high expectations. It takes away choice and reasonable relationship agreements.

Love & Relationships

Dear Love Psychic: My Soulmate Forgot To Be With Me

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“What is the most effective way to deal with jealousy in a polyamorous relationship?” Jealousy is a tricky thing. It’s an umbrella emotion covering one or several other emotions—so you need to get to the bottom of what the jealousy represents.

Dear Love Psychic: Polyamory and Jealousy

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Love & Relationships

Join Director, Miwa Mack, for a healing meditation to manifest love. Learn about (and heal) the 4th chakra. Create the vibration of pure love within yourself.

Love & Relationships, The Meditation Vault

How to Manifest Love: Harnessing the Power of your Fourth Chakra

manifest love

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neon sign in the shape of a heart reading "love 24 hrs"

If we acknowledged love as a unique and sacred entity that is infinite and treated the other parts of a relationship as something chosen off of an a-la-carte menu—we might be able to custom-build something new and beautiful with another human.

Are Your Love Associations Tanking Your Dating Life?

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Love & Relationships

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