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← Enlightenment Program
And real results ripple throughout your life.
Designed for humans who get lusty for learning, these monthly topics dig delightfully deep into specialized areas of study — and all the nuanced riches they hold.
Unlike any of our other programs, the Avatar course load is flexible. With an á la carte curriculum, you can focus on the subjects you really care about.
Care about them all? Take every month of classes for a year, and don’t miss a single second of the Astral party.
90% of our students take the entire year, so don’t worry if you can’t pick just one.
You’ll get the registration info towards the end of your Enlightenment graduation!
You’ll get the registration info towards the end of your Enlightenment graduation!
Coming into Avatar, I was afraid I was some type of "phony" and that my deficiency in skills would quickly be noticed by my peers. In some ways I felt like a little fish moving into a big pond that I wasn't qualified to be in. However, once I got into the flow of the program I realized that while Avatar may be a bigger pond, this new pond wasn't really too intimidating. It's really just been a larger space for me to really expand my psychic havingness and watch myself grow by leaps and bounds! It's been an awesome experience. I'd say everything in Avatar just feels a lot more connected. We're putting all of these puzzle pieces together and everything just flows together really nicely. This also allows the readings and healings to both feel more intuitive and reach new levels of depth that are fascinating to explore!
I loved the focus on tuning in to your own truth, the basic tools and of course the reading practica and the community. For specifics, reading the energy of money, astral and dream time practices and setting mockups were great. Also the advanced chakra reading materials and the teachings around agreements and contracts related to relationships - oh yeah! Working with our healing masters and the golden suns are also awesome!
I don't have to be perfect at it to be an important part of it, and there is an understanding amongst us that we are all growing and learning. My anxiety can tend to dominate this script. I do however find myself enjoying more the time and space to be in meditation. I find that I am not getting stronger or more adjusted to society; I am getting clearer about how I do and do not fit into it all. I can see the energy of some situations better for myself and I can make some choices about them that are simple and profound at times. I am giving myself more permission to have my own space energetically. I have a lot going on that I feel powerless over in my life and the lessons learned at BPI are helping me gain a perspective about that. I love the opportunity to connect with peers in a way that is structured, safe, and open.
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