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Energy Awareness 103

The 4-week virtual course for strengthening your third eye.

Next course:

Enlightenment Program →


← Healing & Manifesting 102

Wanna know what it all means?

Give your intuition a megaphone, open up your third eye, download some answers, and then actually be able to act on what you’ve discovered. 

If you want to link the energetic world with your cognitive one, this course equips you with the tools you need to navigate your life with confidence. 

Meet the multidimensional world of spirit.

During our 4 weeks together, you’ll come home to the intuition you were born with. 

Lean Into Your Instincts

Listen into what your intuition has to say, and then trust it enough to let it guide you. Never again deal with that moment of, “OMG, I knew that was gonna happen!” Instead, you’ll use your inner voice as the compass that always points true North.

Respond, Don’t React

Master the art of choosing how to internally feel & externally engage with the neutrality tool that calms your lower three chakras. (Don’t worry, we’ll fill you in on what this means.) 

Have Better Conversations

Get energetically on the same page — and wavelength — with people before you even dive into those deep conversations. The crown chakra tool gets people to really hear you clearly.

Access the Wisdom of Past Lives

Tap into the depths of your soul essence as you explore the interwoven paths of our past selves. Through asking and receiving, start understanding where you come from, and how it impacts who you are today.

See People As They Are

Look beyond people’s concrete bodies, external masks, and internal pain to see their soul — in the purest form. These are connections so genuine it feels like time stops.

Learn About the Layers of the Aura

Unlearn what you’ve heard so far about auras & the whole chakra system. Instead, step into the wonderful world of being a full-spectrum human with nuanced thoughts and feelings. 

Enrollment Info

You’ll get the registration link in your email the 3rd week of your Healing & Manifesting 102 course!

Take 2 hours each week to virtually gather, soundly ground, and start learning the building blocks of spirituality. 

4 Weekly Phone Classes

⸺ $150 for all 4 weeks ⸺

Get on the fast track for spiritual development by pairing 102 and 103 together, and taking $50 straight off the top. (It’ll be $250 for both.)

$50 Discount with 
Healing & Manifesting 102

Jump into our invitation-only Facebook community for forever-free support & friendship from incredible people like you.

Forever Access to Our Community

Explore whatever’s on your mind during a 1:1 with one of our expert staff lightworkers who offer encouraging guidance, clarity, and support.

Private 30-Minute Mentor Call

Course Schedule

We’ll meet via phone every week.

You’ll get the registration link in your email the 3rd week of your Healing & Manifesting 102 course!

We’ll meet via phone every week.

6PM – 8PM MT

November 21st – December 19th
*There will be no class on November 28th for Thanksgiving*

You’ll get the registration link in your email the 3rd week of your Self Healing 101 course!


“With the instructors' kind compassionate instructions I was able to easily overcome that anxiety.”

The content was beyond my expectations but the interaction with other like minded individuals is priceless. BPI truly is beneficial for one's whole well-being, very knowledgeable, genuinely concerned, opened-minded individuals that are very approachable to ask anything with loving peaceful kind vibes. Thank you for being you, doing what you do and for being a pillar of support.

— Heidi Gohl

“I never feel in the dark!”

I love the format and content of the course. It’s really helpful for me to attend over the phone, and if I’m not able to attend the entire class a recording is offered. The tools in 103 are super helpful and fun to explore, everything is very clearly explained.

You have a very well held program!

— Kelly

“Everything I’ve been learning in class really started to click. It’s exactly what I need.”

I’ve really been digesting and thinking about what you recommended. Your advice is very profound on a lot of levels. It’s exactly what I needed to hear/realize. I’ve been starting to apply it and I have felt the energy in me and my relationship start to change. I’m excited to see where it leads and what I can do with it! I feel empowered! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

— Elizabeth Evans

“I had no idea I would receive SO many applicable and really life shifting tools in the first class! Incredible!”

 I loved how the class was interactive and we practiced our skills together! I love learning by doing things, I feel empowered to practice these skills on my own.

— Anonymous 


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