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Animal Communication Trainings

Become besties with pets & critters.

Intro 101 Course →

Professional Program →

Get your decoder ring for what animals are saying, feeling, and needing.

These two trainings deliver practical teachings and powerful tools for relating harmoniously with creatures in the world.

You’ll learn to talk & listen to animals, tune into your animal spirits guides, and give transformative healings & readings to humans and nonhumans alike. 

Let’s get the doggos, birds, forest critters, and felines feelin’ fine. Like, fur-ever.

The 4-week virtual course that introduces you to the magic of the animal kingdom & the natural world.

This course for all levels teaches you how to:

Animal Communication 101

Fine-tune your communication skills with animals to start sending and receiving messages — all from a place of ease, understanding, and harmony.

Give a low-pressure 10-minute reading on a pet, and figure out what they’re feeling, thinking, and needing in order to be their happiest selves. 

Identify (and befriend!) your totem animals for increased clarity about how they can help you on your journey. 

Truly hear & interpret what the animal kingdom is constantly telling you — and tap into an entirely new world of guidance.

Learn how to greet individual animal friends & companions so those relationships start off from a solid, welcoming place.

Enrollment & Course Info

⸺ $200 for all 4 weeks⸺

Upcoming Course Dates:

We’ll meet exclusively via phone each week.

Wednesday Evening Classes

Sign Up & Connect with Critters! →

6pm – 8pm MT

The 6-month virtual course that helps humans develop a personal relationship with animals.

This advanced program teaches you how to:

Understand the important relationship between humans and the animal kingdom.

Professional Animal
Communication Program

Explore different environments through readings that shed light on how the living world affects the people & critters.

Recognize and receive the guidance that animals are constantly giving you — whether it’s a physical animal or a spirit guide.

Know if a pet is a great fit for you and your family, before you even bring them home. 

Discover whether an animal is a young soul, medium soul, or old soul — and what that means for you & your pet.

Communicate with critters in the wild, with hands-on field trips to the woods (and beyond).

Easily navigate & negotiate any conflict with the animal kingdom. 

Learn how to compassionately and gently help an animal companion pass on.

Invoke your animal spirit guides, and get clear on how to move through the twists & turns of life. 

Master the art of giving structured healings to animals and their humans, creating a happy home.

Get comfortable with having your psychic awareness all the time, so being attuned to energies doesn’t exhaust you (or freak you out).

Enrollment & Program Info

⸺ $1500 or $300/month via Autopay⸺

upcoming Program dates:
Next Program Starts April 2nd 2025

Prerequisites: Animal Communication 101 and 3 months of the Enlightenment Program
Psst! Do your research — you’ll need about 6 months of prerequisites at the BPI before joining this program.

Wednesday Evening 

Saturday Pet Reading 

6pm – 7:30pm MT
every week via phone

11am – 1pm MT
2nd & 4th Saturdays
exclusively via phone

Saturday Bonus
Q&A sessions

2pm – 4pm MT
4th Saturdays
exclusively via phone

Sound right up your spiritual alley?

Get in touch to get on the exclusive signup list! 

“These two courses were such a sweet exploration into the magic of the natural world.”

I came out of the program understanding myself, as well as the animal kingdom, so much more.

— Aliya Cohen 

“The improvements to how I communicate in all of my relationships has been huge.”

In order to improve my connection with animals, I learned to rewire how I thought about relationships and how I related to other beings—both human beings and animal beings. 

— Zoey Crandell

Our students tell it like it is.


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