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You're Already Psychic

Stop looking around behind you. We're talking to you.

Skip Straight To The Course List →

Remember that time you thought of someone right before you ran into them at the grocery store?

What about when you called a friend because you knew in your bones they needed support — and you were right? 

Any time you’ve had a gut feeling that came true is proof of your innate psychic abilities. All it needs is a little nurturing, guidance, and amplification to finally come out & play.

We’ve got you.

If you’re gonna get into this kind of thing, this is where you do it.

In other words: We’ve trained 1,000s of happy psychics around the world with our comprehensive & pragmatic curriculum.

Our coursework hits all the sweet spots. Every single one of our courses is carefully structured to guide you to mastery — not just in theory, but with hands-on practice to make sure the info sticks. (Integration is our love language.)

Our students find pride in discovering their personal power. Better communication skills. Better resilience when the hard stuff happens. And a better sense of self, so even though their futures aren’t written yet, they can still create their life with confidence — and crack a joke or 7 along the way. (One for each chakra.)

The Course List Compendium

We suggest & insist that our courses are taken in order. Prerequisites are required. Yeah, we take our work for you that seriously.

⸺ 4 week course ⸺

First week free!

Step № 1
Self Healing 101

Start The Party Right Here

Take Your First Step → 

Keep the Spiritual Adventure Goin’

Healing & Manifesting 102

⸺ 4 week course ⸺

Step № 2

See Your Potential →

Post-Avatar Programs

⸺ 18 month exploration ⸺

One-to-One Program

Access Your Wisdom →

Scope Out Other Psychic Specialties

Animal Communication trainings

Raise the Woof →

Energy Awareness 103

⸺ 4 week course ⸺

Step № 3

Practice Knowing →

Enlightenment Program

⸺ 1 year training ⸺

Step № 4

Enlighten Up →

Avatar Program

⸺ 1 year training ⸺

Step № 5

Vibe Higher →

⸺ 5 Year exploration ⸺

Trance Medium Program

Let’s Get Weird →

Niche Pop-Up
Classes & workshops

Awakening the divine feminine → 

Our students are all like:

“BPI is a place that supports my learning, growth, and well-being not just as a psychic but as a whole human being.”

BPI is like a buffet of practices for connecting to my highest self and accessing the amazingly fun adventure of my life path that was just waiting for me to step on. Seriously, so much fun. I've studied in many shamanic, spiritual, and religious traditions and I am truly amazed with the depth and power of these practices you all offer. I'm like, shouldn't these be hidden in a cave somewhere? So, thank you for making them accessible to many because we REALLY need them on the planet right now. 

— Cindy Pincus

“You get more than educational classes. ”

You get friendship, community, practice in class and in practicum sessions, and personal growth and development. If you want to mature spiritually, expand internally, find your center of awareness, own your space, heal your past, heighten your intuition, and or discover new aspects of yourself, contact BPI. Be aware - you will learn and grow!

— Alicia

“The biggest thing that has helped me to maintain my mental, emotional and physical health and well-being is the Boulder Psychic Institute.”

Before the BPI, I used to experience so many agonizing ups and downs and was just not functional. Today I got a great reality check as to how far I've come and so I just wanted to thank you all for being here and a part of my journey and for providing this space for me and for others. My mental health has been so stable, and I have been feeling so well over the last year.

— Katie Scott

We make the woo-woo real.

Sign Up for Self Healing 101 →

Real approachable. Real actionable. Real useful. Really.

(The first week is freeeeeee!)


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