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Love letters from the Universe. (And also us.)

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of must-read posts.

As the chakras recalibrate, we grow as spiritual beings. With experience, we learn to navigate life and maintain our pace and equilibrium, despite the changes that we undergo.

Designing Your Life, Emotions & Self-Care

Get in sync with your body by harmonizing your chakras

harmonizing your chakras

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Long-term vitality and chakra maintenance

While clearing and balancing the chakra system can contribute to healthy energy levels, the energy reserves in the first and third chakras should not be deployed as a regular fuel source.

Long-term vitality and chakra maintenance

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Designing Your Life, Emotions & Self-Care

We deepen our access to first chakra wisdom when we deepen our sensory awareness. This chakra asks that we savor our senses; it reminds us to smell the roses. Just as taking in sensory delights requires slowing down, this chakra moves at Earth’s speed.

Emotions & Self-Care

First Chakra: A Beginner’s Guide to Root Chakra Basics

Root chakra basics

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heal from heartbreak

So you’re spiritual but you also like to party…

Live interview with Miwa Mack and Three Brodsky about what happens, energetically speakin, when we imbibe a little (or a lot).

Live Q&A: Alcohol, Drugs, & Entities

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The Meditation Vault

Ask your Anxiety experts Miwa Mack and Three Brodsky if anxiety and birth process are related. It’s live and interactive here

Emotions & Self-Care, The Meditation Vault

Live Q&A: Coping with Anxiety

Miwa and Three

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How do we, as spiritual beings, benefit from having a physical body? Find out here…


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Emotions & Self-Care

Body and spirit operate differently, but they work together to facilitate growth. This article explores the contributions of each.

Designing Your Life

Loving Spirit and Body

person meditating

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