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Love letters from the Universe. (And also us.)

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of must-read posts.

While clearing and balancing the chakra system can contribute to healthy energy levels, the energy reserves in the first and third chakras should not be deployed as a regular fuel source.

Designing Your Life, Emotions & Self-Care

Long-term vitality and chakra maintenance

Long-term vitality and chakra maintenance

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Root chakra basics

We deepen our access to first chakra wisdom when we deepen our sensory awareness. This chakra asks that we savor our senses; it reminds us to smell the roses. Just as taking in sensory delights requires slowing down, this chakra moves at Earth’s speed.

First Chakra: A Beginner’s Guide to Root Chakra Basics

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Emotions & Self-Care

So you’re spiritual but you also like to party…

Live interview with Miwa Mack and Three Brodsky about what happens, energetically speakin, when we imbibe a little (or a lot).

The Meditation Vault

Live Q&A: Alcohol, Drugs, & Entities

heal from heartbreak

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Miwa and Three

Ask your Anxiety experts Miwa Mack and Three Brodsky if anxiety and birth process are related. It’s live and interactive here

Experts Q&A Live: Anxiety from Birth and Experts Guide to Coping with Anxiety

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Emotions & Self-Care, The Meditation Vault

How do we, as spiritual beings, benefit from having a physical body? Find out here…

Emotions & Self-Care



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person meditating

Body and spirit operate differently, but they work together to facilitate growth. This article explores the contributions of each.

Loving Spirit and Body

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Designing Your Life

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