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Love letters from the Universe. (And also us.)

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of must-read posts.

While clearing and balancing the chakra system can contribute to healthy energy levels, the energy reserves in the first and third chakras should not be deployed as a regular fuel source.

Designing Your Life, Emotions & Self-Care

Long-term vitality and chakra maintenance

Long-term vitality and chakra maintenance

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How chakras affect our identity

How chakras affect your identity reflects which chakra has captured your attention. Which chakra are you focused on right now?

Self-Identification and the Chakras: A Spiritual Awakening

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Designing Your Life, Emotions & Self-Care

By working with the chakras directly through new choices and intentions or contemplative visualization, we gain insight into who we are, as well as shape the way in which we grow.

Emotions & Self-Care

Healing and balancing chakras

healing and balancing chakras

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Chakra Spin and Orientation

Chakras spin like wheels, creating a balanced forcefield that helps us process information and integrate experiences.

Chakra Spin and Orientation

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Emotions & Self-Care

The second chakra allows us to interpret safe and scary spaces, as well as happy and sad interactions. In this way, it is strongly associated with the inner child. Second chakra feedback can guide us through decisions about what and who to be around.

Emotions & Self-Care

Unleashing Creative Collaboration: A Guide to Sacral Chakra Healing

sacral chakra

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Root chakra basics

We deepen our access to first chakra wisdom when we deepen our sensory awareness. This chakra asks that we savor our senses; it reminds us to smell the roses. Just as taking in sensory delights requires slowing down, this chakra moves at Earth’s speed.

First Chakra: A Beginner’s Guide to Root Chakra Basics

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Emotions & Self-Care

There’s more than one way to celebrate Groundhog Day. What will you do with yours?

Designing Your Life, Love & Relationships

Groundhog Day

Ground hog looking around

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Parents saying goodbye to college kid

Time changes the circumstances of our lives; we can re-define how we think about our lives in order to embrace our new circumstances.

Empty Nest

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Designing Your Life, Love & Relationships

Living with others can lead to misunderstandings; what are your assumptions about shared space?

Designing Your Life, Emotions & Self-Care

A Room of One’s Own

honey bees

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row of colorful houses

Ever notice how some houses take on a mythic character in a neighborhood? Especially as children, we characterize houses—and often the people who live in them—as creepy, foreboding, magical or just plain different. What role do you, and your home, play in the neighborhood dynamics?

On Top Of The Hill

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Designing Your Life

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