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Love letters from the Universe. (And also us.)

Take a spin through our compendium 
of must-read posts.

Ever wondered what it was like to look at mental health disorders through a spiritual lens? Tune in for a fascinating discussion!

3rd Eye Musings

Mental Health Disorders- A Psychic Perspective

Mental health

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Psychic mediumship

A lot of people use mediumship and channeling interchangeably, but they are actually different psychic skills! Tune in to learn how to distinguish them.

Channeling vs. Mediumship: What kind of mystic are you?

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3rd Eye Musings

Ever feel overwhelmed about climate change? In this insightful discussion, learn how to relate to climate change from an empowered place.

Emotions & Self-Care, The Meditation Vault

Live Q&A: Climate Change & Mental Health- How to Balance Fear and Hope

Climate change

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Bad karma

Have you ever wondered if you have good or bad karma? Join Three and Miwa in this discussion about how to take charge of your fate.

Live Q&A: Are you Lucky or is it Karma?

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Designing Your Life, The Meditation Vault

Join Miwa and Three in their most recent Instagram Live session, where they delve into the subject of the afterlife.

Their discussion explores the journey of the soul and the process it undergoes to transition to the other side.

The Meditation Vault, Uncategorized

Live Q&A: All About the Afterlife

the afterlife

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sex and spirituality

Watch Miwa and Three’s Instagram Live as they discuss the interplay between sex and spirituality.

Live Q&A: Sex and Spirituality

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The Meditation Vault

A deep dive into the Who’s Who of entities! Learn the difference between beings with free will and those without.

The Meditation Vault

Live Q&A: Beings Without Bodies


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Join Miwa and Three on Instagram as they explore the fascinating life and work of Miwa’s father-in-law, John Mack. A tenured psychiatry professor at Harvard, Mack brought credibility to the claims of experiencers, bridging the gap between academia and the extraordinary.

Review of Netflix Show Encounters with Miwa’s Father-in-law

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The Meditation Vault

Psychic kids are not a fluke—everyone is born psychic! The key isn’t to teach your kids specific tools per se, but to ensure that you are using your energy awareness to maintain your own vibration. When your vibe is good, your kids will match you.

The Meditation Vault

Live Q&A: Spiritual Parenting

psychic kids

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autonomy and belonging

Ever wonder what is driving the divide between the left and the right on an energetic level? Work with the Ascended Masters to help you heal your sense of belonging and autonomy.

US Elections—Heal your sense of autonomy and belonging

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Emotions & Self-Care, The Meditation Vault

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