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Live Q&A: Climate Change & Mental Health- How to Balance Fear and Hope

Get a psychic perspective on climate change.

Join Three Brodsky and Miwa Mack in their discussion on Instagram Live about how to care for your mental health when facing the topic of climate change!

Do you ever feel super overwhelmed by all of the changes that are happening, in the Earth’s climate but also socially? Do you sometimes block it out because you feel hopeless and like there is nothing you can do?

In this illuminating discussion, Miwa and Three offer a psychic perspective on climate change and how to relate to it in a way that has you able to see with clarity and take aligned action.

Feel guilty about contributing to climate change?

Feeling guilty about climate change is so common, but the truth is you are not a bad human being who is messing up Mother Earth. There is more to the story than that.

Yes, human beings are collectively having an effect on the climate because of pollution AND more frequent solar flares have been influencing Mother Earth’s climate as well as natural changes that happen to the climate over time. (It’s not just alllll YOU!)

Guilt keeps you small and makes you want to hide. When you are in that state, it’s challenging to have awareness and see the whole picture. It’s also difficult to see what options you do have! If you feel guilty, it will be hard to create something different.

Nothing changes without validation.

There is a big wake up happening on the planet with regards to how human beings are treating Mother Earth. People are becoming more conscious.

There is no going back to a certain way that worked in the past – we can only go forward, and that starts by being in the present. The first step to healing climate change is to be in acceptance. Accept the circumstances we are in as a human species.

You need to be able to validate where you are to get to where you want to go. You have to be able to accept things as they are in order to change them.

And from there, assess what you can be responsible for vs. what you can’t. Sometimes the overwhelm around climate change can come from biting off more than you can chew. You aren’t responsible for absolutely everything. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, focus on what you have influence over, which is yourself, how you treat your own body, and your local community. Grassroots movements are powerful!

Enjoy our discussion on the topic!


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