Work with energy loops and crystal structures inside your fourth chakra to heal yourself and support your body and spirit.
This guided meditation will help when you’re not sure what to think or how to take action. Step one is to get yourself to a vibration of wellness by giving your nervous system a healing.
In this meditation, you’ll use your kundalini energy and the Holy Spirit to recalibrate and find your next steps. Come out feeling grounded and motivated even if life feels daunting and uncertain.
Curious about our psychic school, who started it, and who’s running this place? The Boulder Psychic institute is a spiritual sanctuary and clairvoyance school that doesn’t take itself too seriously — all while delivering some serious psychic knowhow.
If you’re wondering what is the astral plane, this episode is for you! Watch Miwa Mack and Three Brodsky in their latest Instagram live as they discuss what’s happening when you’re dreaming and how dream interpretation can be misunderstood. Tune in for great discussion of the astral plane!
Tune into Miwa Mack and Three Brodsky as they discuss how to develop tolerance and overcome polarization despite what is happening in the media in their latest episode of Psychics Gone Live.
Spirituality and Black Lives Matter go hand in hand because in order to have social change, we also need spiritual change. Update your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies to be able to participate with your fellow people on the planet from a place of wholeness.
Astral travel to the moon! During this meditation, you’ll practice traversing the unknown with a curious mind. You might be surprised by what kinds of inspiration and sense of healing you may find!
In this interview, Miwa answered several questions about the school, the astral plane, and how to find your magic.
No big deal, but we’re just going to gather up all of our combined psychic magic wands and heal the crap out of this corporate greed and pollution situation.
Take four seconds to join our FREE virtual spiritual treehouse & start tapping into your well of psychic wealth. From must-know news to essential how-tos, these weekly emails help you discover all you can do.