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Love letters from the Universe. (And also us.)

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of must-read posts.

We do not enjoy the idea of having other people’s energies mixed with our own. The thought of it brings back childhood concerns of getting cooties from schoolmates. And yet, most of us carry at least a smidgeon of someone else’s energy in our space. Why?

Designing Your Life, Emotions & Self-Care

Foreign Energy and Growing Up

angry child

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We create our life on the energetic level first.  We think a thought, we have a feeling, and then we develop a belief.  Only after all this energetic work has happened do we bring that belief into reality. If our chakras are full of other people’s thoughts and feelings, then we may be living a life that’s out of sync with our Spirit’s idea of what joy means to us.

Chakras: Joy and the Divine

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Designing Your Life, Emotions & Self-Care

Separating the truth from the lie, then, involves a process of getting to know oneself spiritually, clearing out the spiritual information that is no longer useful, and making conscious choices about how to relate to the general flow of spiritual energy throughout our surroundings.

Designing Your Life


person meditating

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woman looking through tube

Ever wonder why different psychics might convey completely different information during a reading? Mystery solved…

Do You See What I See?

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Student Life

One common narrative that we share culturally holds that by growing spiritually we discover peace, love, and joy. It is true! And, we find turmoil, hate, and despair, as well. The beauty of increasing awareness is that we know more of what is in us and before us, as it appears in its many facets.

Designing Your Life, Emotions & Self-Care


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How we handle the small and large slights, wounds, and injustices sets the trajectory of our lives.

Blaming or Healing: Your Choice

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Emotions & Self-Care

Increase awareness throughout the day in order to bring more consciousness to your lived experience, and care for yourself more thoughtfully and thoroughly.

Designing Your Life

Consciousness as Self-care

spa day

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person meditating

Body and spirit operate differently, but they work together to facilitate growth. This article explores the contributions of each.

Loving Spirit and Body

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Designing Your Life

Healings—including House Healings—help us to define our boundaries. Is it time for you to say, “No”?

Designing Your Life

Making a House a Home

hands holding house

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bird on a branch

Create new space to accommodate your growth! This article discusses how to expand your life!

Springtime Growth

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Designing Your Life

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