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Love letters from the Universe. (And also us.)

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of must-read posts.

As the chakras recalibrate, we grow as spiritual beings. With experience, we learn to navigate life and maintain our pace and equilibrium, despite the changes that we undergo.

Designing Your Life, Emotions & Self-Care

Get in sync with your body by harmonizing your chakras

harmonizing your chakras

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Long-term vitality and chakra maintenance

While clearing and balancing the chakra system can contribute to healthy energy levels, the energy reserves in the first and third chakras should not be deployed as a regular fuel source.

Long-term vitality and chakra maintenance

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Designing Your Life, Emotions & Self-Care

How chakras affect your identity reflects which chakra has captured your attention. Which chakra are you focused on right now?

Designing Your Life, Emotions & Self-Care

Self-Identification and the Chakras: A Spiritual Awakening

How chakras affect our identity

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healing and balancing chakras

By working with the chakras directly through new choices and intentions or contemplative visualization, we gain insight into who we are, as well as shape the way in which we grow.

Healing and balancing chakras

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Emotions & Self-Care

Chakras spin like wheels, creating a balanced forcefield that helps us process information and integrate experiences.

Emotions & Self-Care

Chakra Spin and Orientation

Chakra Spin and Orientation

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Climate change

Ever feel overwhelmed about climate change? In this insightful discussion, learn how to relate to climate change from an empowered place.

Live Q&A: Climate Change & Mental Health- How to Balance Fear and Hope

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Emotions & Self-Care, The Meditation Vault

The second chakra allows us to interpret safe and scary spaces, as well as happy and sad interactions. In this way, it is strongly associated with the inner child. Second chakra feedback can guide us through decisions about what and who to be around.

Emotions & Self-Care

Unleashing Creative Collaboration: A Guide to Sacral Chakra Healing

sacral chakra

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Emotional resilience

We aren’t often taught how to surf the waves of change with grace, but that’s what we are all about here at BPI! Read more to learn about the power of staying present in times of transition.

Navigating Transitions with Emotional Resilience

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Designing Your Life, Emotions & Self-Care

We deepen our access to first chakra wisdom when we deepen our sensory awareness. This chakra asks that we savor our senses; it reminds us to smell the roses. Just as taking in sensory delights requires slowing down, this chakra moves at Earth’s speed.

Emotions & Self-Care

First Chakra: A Beginner’s Guide to Root Chakra Basics

Root chakra basics

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autonomy and belonging

Ever wonder what is driving the divide between the left and the right on an energetic level? Work with the Ascended Masters to help you heal your sense of belonging and autonomy.

US Elections—Heal your sense of autonomy and belonging

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Emotions & Self-Care, The Meditation Vault

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