What do you learn about yourself by living in your current locale? Each place offers us gifts, challenges, and insights.
Inadvertently, we may create circumstances that we do not desire consciously in order to validate our talents. Read how…
Are you a people-pleaser? Empower yourself to embrace the joy of saying “No.” Remember: a clear Yes requires a clear No!
In order to live a life of love, we must practice the art of forgiveness– an art that is central to living well.
Taking steps in our lives is not always comfortable (or beautiful), even if taking those steps ultimately leads us home. Sound familiar?
Explore the relationship between giving and receiving. Try giving in order to increase abundance.
Feeling as though life is meaningless can indicate that the time is ripe to create a new vision!
The belongings we keep can provide information on where we allow ourselves to be wholly us, and where we capitulate to others.
We do not enjoy the idea of having other people’s energies mixed with our own. The thought of it brings back childhood concerns of getting cooties from schoolmates. And yet, most of us carry at least a smidgeon of someone else’s energy in our space. Why?
We create our life on the energetic level first. We think a thought, we have a feeling, and then we develop a belief. Only after all this energetic work has happened do we bring that belief into reality. If our chakras are full of other people’s thoughts and feelings, then we may be living a life that’s out of sync with our Spirit’s idea of what joy means to us.
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