Life purpose can be many things – it can be your occupation or your vocation. It can be your home life or your community life. Your life purpose may be something so familiar that you fail to recognize it.
We may make choices based on information that was useful to us in the past– but is no longer relevant. Are you choosing what’s best for you now?
In order to integrate what we have created, we must step back, recognize, and celebrate our accomplishments. Otherwise, we may feel spent instead of full…
Moving into a new life requires visioning and can resemble the remodeling process, complete with construction dust. The final result, though, is often stunning!
How do you interact with others energetically? It’s useful to consider the differences between connecting and relating…
Healers have abundant space, which allows for abundant release. House healings can clear the energetic build-up that is common in healing environments.
Are you living in the midst of old patterns that seem to be frozen in time? Here’s an opportunity to re-visit old assumptions and re-vision what is possible.
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