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Love letters from the Universe. (And also us.)

Take a spin through our compendium 
of must-read posts.

Living with others can lead to misunderstandings; what are your assumptions about shared space?

Designing Your Life, Emotions & Self-Care

A Room of One’s Own

honey bees

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person with two hands over heart

By imagining that “someday” is the answer, by not being OK with who we are in the present moment, we are coming from a state of lack. We are looking, seeking, running after something we don’t have. And this state of non-havingness does not bring us joy, fulfillment or happiness.

Gratitude: The Gateway to Living in Joy

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Designing Your Life, Emotions & Self-Care

Commonly, people caution, “Be careful what you ask for, you may get it.” While I do not advocate fear, it is true that the universe responds to our inquiries. The practice of mindfulness—creating through conscious intention—is powerful, and powerfully illustrated in the following story.

Designing Your Life, Emotions & Self-Care

Clear Intentions

Living room flooded with water

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Outline of a ghost on the stairs

As the veil thins this time of year– and we celebrate Halloween and the Day of the Dead– we discover that spirit is not that extraordinary after all. As a house healer, people ask to hear stories about the spirits I encounter. Below is just such a story. However, this story illustrates the humanity of spirit.

A Ghost Story of a Different Sort

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Designing Your Life, Emotions & Self-Care

Psychics use visualization tools (e.g., clairvoyance / “clear seeing”) to increase awareness of the many influences that shape our senses of self, as well as our behaviors. As we recognize these influences, though, we realize that not everything that shapes our lives aligns with our truth.

Emotions & Self-Care

Clean and Clear

pink lotus flower in a pond

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father son playing basketball

Satisfying the demands of the body can open space for the creativity of the spirit.

Embracing Routine

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Emotions & Self-Care

Anger gets a bad rap. However, feeling anger is crucial to leading a joyful life!

Emotions & Self-Care

What about Anger?

volcano erupting

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saying no

Clearing space with a well-placed “no” can open up time for new growth. Give yourself this gift!

Making Your “No” Stick

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Designing Your Life, Emotions & Self-Care

How do we, as spiritual beings, benefit from having a physical body? Find out here…

Emotions & Self-Care



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tree roots

Life lessons come in all shapes and sizes. Here a story of loss highlights the significance of gratitude.

Making Peace with What Is

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Emotions & Self-Care

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