Social distancing doesn’t mean disconnecting from one another. Here’s what we’re offering to make sure you can stay spiritually connected!
It’s Daylight Saving Time! Everything else in the world is running like clockwork, and that makes it seem like we should be able to just spring into action alongside everything else. However, is this an unrealistic ask for our bodies?
What stories are you telling yourself? Have you been operating as if one single story is your full story? Has that story helped you make the best of your situation lately, or are you feeling stuck in it?
It’s that time again, y’all. Valentine’s Day is coming! …This generally means you’re either chomping at the bit in sweet, sparklified anticipation, or you’re shaking in your boots with the deepest kind of existential dread. Some tips on how to relate to Valentine’s Day from a place of your own truth.
Have you ever felt paralyzed by self-doubt? Held back by the thoughts in your head? I totally have. However, what if self-doubt just comes up to ask questions that help us get to know ourselves more deeply?
That IS the question, indeed. As a healer, should you heal your beloved? The short answer: probably not. Here’s why.
Why would anyone move across the country upwards of [insert preposterous, slightly incriminating number of times here] in the name of love…? Well, lots of reasons. Here’s what I’ve learned about love through many sojourns with the most unlikely of traveling companions: a tree.
With healing – especially emotional or spiritual healing – people often expect to be able to make one BIG life shift and then, they assume, the healing is over. Wash your hands, you’re done. That’s not really how it goes, though.
Say you’ve been experiencing a slump in your life. You know things could be better! In fact, they have been better. You’ve heard of meditation and even have a little experience with it, but why sit down and do nothing when everything seems to be caving in on you? I’m glad you asked.
What if we all had permission to feel what’s really coming up for us, no matter how trivial or ridiculous? What would happen if we stopped trying to fix emotions or, worse, trying to fix the people having the uncomfortable emotions?
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