“What is the most effective way to deal with jealousy in a polyamorous relationship?” Jealousy is a tricky thing. It’s an umbrella emotion covering one or several other emotions—so you need to get to the bottom of what the jealousy represents.
Started your healing journey but haven’t started feeling the results yet? Don’t fret! Here are a few steps to help you navigate your healing journey with ease.
Join Director, Miwa Mack, for a healing meditation for the community of Boulder in light of the King Soopers Tragedy on March 22, 2021
Join Director, Miwa Mack, for a healing meditation where you heal the vibration of the Divine Feminine within yourself and on Earth.
Not feelin’ your gratitude journal right now? Is it feeling like a chore or an obligation? Try this 2-step practice instead.
“Am I single or in a relationship with the person I’m seeing?? It seems to fluctuate hourly.” Start creating your own options for what you want the relationship to be versus sifting through what you think are your only options.
Have you ever been in a situation where you were being told that you need to change the way you’re approaching your own problem? This would be invalidating, and it would most likely make you feel like the way you are, and the way you cope with your life is wrong.
You’ll get what you need exactly when you need it. Sometimes your intention has to travel all the way through Middle Earth—but it will come to you one way or another.
Join Director, Miwa Mack, for a healing meditation to manifest love. Learn about (and heal) the 4th chakra. Create the vibration of pure love within yourself.
If we acknowledged love as a unique and sacred entity that is infinite and treated the other parts of a relationship as something chosen off of an a-la-carte menu—we might be able to custom-build something new and beautiful with another human.
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