Have you ever been in a situation where you were being told that you need to change the way you’re approaching your own problem? This would be invalidating, and it would most likely make you feel like the way you are, and the way you cope with your life is wrong.
Join Director, Miwa Mack, for a healing meditation to manifest love. Learn about (and heal) the 4th chakra. Create the vibration of pure love within yourself.
If we acknowledged love as a unique and sacred entity that is infinite and treated the other parts of a relationship as something chosen off of an a-la-carte menu—we might be able to custom-build something new and beautiful with another human.
It’s that time again, y’all. Valentine’s Day is coming! …This generally means you’re either chomping at the bit in sweet, sparklified anticipation, or you’re shaking in your boots with the deepest kind of existential dread. Some tips on how to relate to Valentine’s Day from a place of your own truth.
That IS the question, indeed. As a healer, should you heal your beloved? The short answer: probably not. Here’s why.
Why would anyone move across the country upwards of [insert preposterous, slightly incriminating number of times here] in the name of love…? Well, lots of reasons. Here’s what I’ve learned about love through many sojourns with the most unlikely of traveling companions: a tree.
Time changes the circumstances of our lives; we can re-define how we think about our lives in order to embrace our new circumstances.
When we visit a new culture, we encounter beliefs and interactions that are foreign to us. The same is true as we get to know the nonhuman cultures of the world (including those found in our backyards). There’s a tendency to either overly-anthropomorphize nonhuman animals or to consider them to be overly-other. It’s tricky to find the right balance between similarities and differences (as it is with human cultures as well).
Although words can breach trust, developing trust requires more than words. If someone broke your trust, look at where they are providing you with a learning opportunity as your energetic mirror. Are there ways that you break promises to yourself? Or let yourself down in your goals towards your betterment as an individual? Are there similar ways you let others down?
Take four seconds to join our FREE virtual spiritual treehouse & start tapping into your well of psychic wealth. From must-know news to essential how-tos, these weekly emails help you discover all you can do.