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Love letters from the Universe. (And also us.)

Take a spin through our compendium 
of must-read posts.

It’s common for people to be in awe of a spirit guide—remember that they’re beings just like the rest of us. They’re all varying in their own levels of consciousness and awareness. We recommend that YOU find your expert being—not the other way around. 

Designing Your Life, Tips For Healers

How to Find a Spirit Guide

crowded airport

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Hand reaching for light in the trees

Healing your internal wounds triggered by current events gives you space to move out of resistance and into positive change. AND when you’re putting out a peaceful high vibe, people around you will start to match your energetic signature—creating a ripple effect.

Heal Yourself, Heal the World

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Designing Your Life, Emotions & Self-Care

When overwhelm hits, it’s a natural reaction to try and power through our to-do lists in the hope that crossing something off the list will make things easier. We hope it will make things feel less overwhelming. In practice, though, that doesn’t work very well.

Designing Your Life, Emotions & Self-Care

Reclaim Your Time

Reclaim Your Time

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As COVID restrictions change, take time to define the “new normal” for yourself. Director, Miwa Mack, leads a meditation to guide you to allow your life to be in perfect alignment with you.

Self-Healing Meditation Post Covid-19

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Designing Your Life, The Meditation Vault

Join Director, Miwa Mack, for a healing meditation where you heal the vibration of the Divine Feminine within yourself and on Earth.

Designing Your Life, The Meditation Vault

Nurturing Divine Feminine

heal your fourth chakra

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Journal that says "happy days" on the cover

Not feelin’ your gratitude journal right now? Is it feeling like a chore or an obligation? Try this 2-step practice instead.

Gratitude—I’m Over You

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Designing Your Life, Emotions & Self-Care

You’ll get what you need exactly when you need it. Sometimes your intention has to travel all the way through Middle Earth—but it will come to you one way or another. 

Designing Your Life, Student Life

Lessons in Nature: Trying Too Hard to be Psychic

Clear blue pool of water

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astral travel

Join Director, Miwa Mack, for a healing meditation where you’ll energetically release from 2020, set your intention for 2021 so you can achieve your goals!

Manifesting in 2021

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Designing Your Life, The Meditation Vault

What stories are you telling yourself? Have you been operating as if one single story is your full story? Has that story helped you make the best of your situation lately, or are you feeling stuck in it?

Designing Your Life, Emotions & Self-Care

Your Story

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It’s that time again, y’all. Valentine’s Day is coming! …This generally means you’re either chomping at the bit in sweet, sparklified anticipation, or you’re shaking in your boots with the deepest kind of existential dread. Some tips on how to relate to Valentine’s Day from a place of your own truth.

Valentine’s Day: DIY

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Designing Your Life, Love & Relationships

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