Does the idea of having a life purpose feel intimidating or confusing? You might be overthinking it! Listen to our latest Instagram Live to learn more about finding and living your life purpose.
Develop your intuition and feel confident choosing what is right for your body amidst all the online marketing promoting the latest diet, supplement, cleanse, or spiritual practice.
Family can drive us crazy, especially during the holidays. But it doesn’t have to be that way! It is possible to spend time with family without BECOMING your family. Listen in to learn how. 😉
So you’re spiritual but you also like to party…
Live interview with Miwa Mack and Three Brodsky about what happens, energetically speakin, when we imbibe a little (or a lot).
Ask your Anxiety experts Miwa Mack and Three Brodsky if anxiety and birth process are related. It’s live and interactive here
It’s common for people to be in awe of a spirit guide—remember that they’re beings just like the rest of us. They’re all varying in their own levels of consciousness and awareness. We recommend that YOU find your expert being—not the other way around.
Healing your internal wounds triggered by current events gives you space to move out of resistance and into positive change. AND when you’re putting out a peaceful high vibe, people around you will start to match your energetic signature—creating a ripple effect.
“I definitely don’t want to date this Dude, but I care about him, have love for him, and feel that he has potential. If he could know what true love is and open his heart, he could get on a better path in life and do great things.”
There are numerous benefits of doing readings, healings, or classes over the phone. Often people think that there will be a “more powerful connection” if we’re in the same room with you. This isn’t how it works—we see into you.
If you find yourself giving emotional support, even when you don’t want to, here are some key elements to establishing a defined healing space for yourself.
Take four seconds to join our FREE virtual spiritual treehouse & start tapping into your well of psychic wealth. From must-know news to essential how-tos, these weekly emails help you discover all you can do.