Finances are a huge aspect of everyone’s life on the planet. Your relationship with money can be almost as significant as your beloved, romantic, or primary relationship. Breaking up with the fear aspect of your relationship with finances will feel like a big breakup! There’s going to be a lot of emotions, maybe even some tears. You might even hook up with financial fear a few more times — go back and forth, or rekindle that relationship a bit before you decide it’s toxic and truly break up.
We encourage you to step into today’s episode with grace and compassion. Be easy on yourself. Breaking up with financial fear is a process that doesn’t happen overnight. Allow yourself to stumble, fall, mess up, and accidentally have sex with financial fear a few more times.
Fear has everything to do with being in the future and being concerned about what will happen tomorrow, in five years, or at the end of your life. What that does on a spiritual mechanical level is, it takes you out of your body and puts you spiritually in the future. When you are not spiritually in your body, your body goes into a state of alarm. This is when you will notice panic setting in. You may feel hysterical or make decisions with your money without being fully conscious of what you’re doing.
How do you keep it light with money?
Think of money like that super hot girl at the bar. She’s desirable, full of status and validation, and oozes success. You want her to like you and to be seen by her. Or, adversely, you hate her and are at odds with her wow factor; “She thinks she’s so awesome,” “She’s going to corrupt me,” or “She thinks she’s too good for me.” If you’re in a clingy state of being, that hot girl will get the ick!
When interacting with the energy of money, getting into that neutral mindset where you’re okay if it comes towards you in the moment, or not, can garner a different result. Validating you’re worthy of money and wanting it to come towards you, can give a different perspective to your relationship with money.
Money always follows the intention of what you want. What do you want that money for? Would you like a vacation or a car? Getting clear on what you would like to have creates an opportunity for money to flow into your life, making that desire possible. You can even envision a bigger intention! What do you want your life to look like? Once you envision your goal, what will you do about it? Money takes discipline. What next steps are you going to take towards your goal? Are you willing to couple action with pragmatism? Can you look at what you’re spending money on that you don’t need to be? You have to start somewhere! You’ve got this.
Want to keep the money conversation flowing? Check out our “Money Magic” episode of Psychics Gone Live!
COMING SOON: We have a FREE pop up class on February 28, 2025 on ancestral trauma. Join us live to discuss ancestral wounds and dive deep into releasing ancestral trauma! Do you want to make sure the buck stops with you? Register here for the free class.
Remember, you’re never alone on this journey; we’re all in this together, and we’re here to support you along the way.
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