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Live Q&A: How to Protect Yourself from a Psychic Attack

Psychic Attacks: Reclaim Your Power

Have you ever felt drained or overwhelmed by someone else’s energy, or have you experienced a “psychic attack”? Maybe you’ve sensed negativity or judgment coming your way and didn’t know how to shake it off. In our latest video, we dive deep into the concept of psychic attacks and how to reclaim your energy and power.

Psychic Attacks? You’re Not a Victim…

First off, it’s essential to understand that nobody is a true victim when it comes to psychic attacks. Yes, people can physically harm us, but on a soul level, we have the power to shield ourselves from unwanted energies. If you feel someone is trying to impose their agenda on you, it’s crucial to remember that you hold the reins. By acknowledging this and clearing any victim mentality, you can empower yourself to keep that negative energy at bay.

Practical Tips to Shield Yourself from Negative Energy

So, what can you do if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by someone’s vibe? Start by recognizing the energy you’re dealing with. Whether it feels like a hex, curse, or just a bad vibe, the key is to stay grounded. Acknowledge that this energy is present, but don’t dwell on it. Shift your focus inward and remind yourself of your power. Practicing daily psychic hygiene—like grounding yourself and setting boundaries—can help keep your energy clear and vibrant. 

That’s what you learn day one at The BPI with Self Healing 101 class (pssst the first week is free) 

It’s easy to get caught up in the drama of life and feel like everything is out of our control. But by taking small steps to protect your energy, you can maintain a sense of autonomy in your life. Remember, energy is real, but it’s your space, and you have the authority over what enters it. Tune in to the video for more insights and techniques on how to keep those pesky psychic attacks at bay! 

So put fear in its place by knowing how to ground and taking a next step towards walking with a sense of control over the unseen…so the unseen doesn’t have control over you… 

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