Are you a Christmas hater? A holiday hater? Are you not a hater or a lover, just a fence sitter? Do you want to stop participating in the holiday parade, upholding traditions and societal norms? Is there too much holiday stress surrounding this time of year? Are you a Capricorn whose birthday gets overshadowed by the pomp and circumstance? If you’re in the holiday parade, not liking it, and being dragged along, this topic is for you!
Did Christmas used to be this nuts? Some people used to go to church, and that was it. Now, it’s incredibly commercial and everyone is experiencing a surge of holiday stress! There’s forced gift-giving, hysteria, and jealousy of neighbors who have more than you. Kids feel jealous of peers going on big vacations during the holiday break and compare their experiences. If you’re a parent, you also have the expectations of your children weighing on you. No one wants to disappoint their children and ruin their holiday! The holidays are also an emotionally loaded time for queer people, and it can feel like there is so much pressure to appear a certain way.
Bah humbug energy is rooted in childhood trauma for so many of us. Whether your parents showered you with everything or not, this season may bring up difficult memories. Maybe you didn’t react appropriately when a parent gave you a gift and got reprimanded or punished for your reaction. It could be the disappointment of opening up a gift and getting underwear! It can even be the experience of watching your parents trying to live up to traditions they may not be able to. Perhaps you even tried to take on their holiday stress to process for them, making it a wound in your space. Regardless of your experience, your emotions are valid.
December is the time when it is important to remain grounded. Anchoring to Mother Earth and aligning with the Earth’s biorhythms can be so centering. Winter is a time of slowing down, introspection, reflection, meditation, and extra sleep. So many animals are hibernating right now, and it goes against our natural instincts to get more revved up. If you go with the societal flow, it’s understandable if you’re feeling grumpy and resentful around this time of year. Not slowing down means your body will take a hit; the body is not supposed to be speeding up right now. Support your body by eating winter vegetables, soups, and stews, indulging in warm beverages, grounding, and slowing down. Give yourself the gift of putting your first chakra first by taking care of your physical health and vitality this holiday season.
Deepen your connection with Mother Earth, explore grounding and equip yourself with energetic tools in Self Healing 101! This 4-week course will help develop your intuitive skills and take your meditation practice to the next level. During your class you will have the opportunity to ask questions, connect with peers and look at energy in a newfound way. Also included is a one-on-one call with one of the Boulder Psychic Institute’s mentors, and a complimentary Soul Essence Reading. Explore all of our courses here!
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