There is so much polarization. It feels scary and hopeless; what are we going to do? Is everyone mad at everyone? Why is the world so divided? Explore these questions in the latest episode of Psychics Gone Live, where Miwa and Three discuss why the world is so divided, how we got here, and how we heal it.
Before we split into today’s independent familial structure, we lived in communal tribes. Since then, certain aspects of connection have been lost. Today, humans are focused less on being in tune with their body and spirit or their relationship with Mother Earth. The result is a more noticeable dichotomy between spirit and body.
In modern society, the normalization of spirit/body division has resulted in an externalization of disconnectedness. So many people externalize that internal division of not being in a relationship with their body, highlighting the dichotomies on the planet, such as male and female, winter and summer, night and day, or yin and yang. External situations become the problem when the true divide is due to very little education on how to live moment to moment in connection with your body on a spiritual level.
Most humans believe one or the other, but that’s not true! You can belong to a group and have autonomy at the same time.
Bridge the gap between belonging and autonomy, as well as spirit and body, during our four-week Self Healing 101 course! You will learn how to connect with Mother Earth, tune deeper into your spiritual connection, and become better teammates with your body!
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Remember, you’re never alone on this journey; we’re all in this together, and we’re here to support you along the way.
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