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Get in sync with your body by harmonizing your chakras

Spiritual Growth and Chakras

Chakras are energy centers that we, as spiritual beings, use to activate, inform, and engage areas and aspects of the physical body. In other words, chakras house the information that we bring into our lives. Each chakra is comprised of layers. The inner layers spin counter clockwise and the outer layers spin clockwise. 

harmonizing your chakras

The Rippling Effect of Chakras: From Inner Layers to Aura

This spin is responsible for whether we feel in sync with ourselves, or out of sorts. There can be a pulse within an individual chakra, depending on how the inner and outer layers align their spins, and a harmony within the entire chakra system, depending on how the information-sharing from each chakra—or the pace of each spin—coordinates with that of the chakra system overall. The pace of each chakra increases as we move up the chakra system. The first chakra near the base of our spines is comfortable with the slow-and-steady pace of the Earth, while the seventh chakra at our crowns processes at the speed of light. 

As the chakras spin, their information circulates within the body, as well as outward to form the corresponding aura layers. For example, the first chakra’s spin will not only activate the survival space near the base of the spine but will also generate the first aura layer, which is the layer that is closest to the physical body.

Synchronization of Chakras for Holistic Health

In healthy chakra systems, each chakra has its own balance and pace, the system is harmonious, and the layers of the aura that arise from each chakra are distinct from one another. People whose chakra system is healthy experience safety, joy, direction, peace, empowerment, clarity, and inspiration. Not only are these states that we generally aim to attain, but also they are basic to our spiritual nature. 

When chakras blend together

The states that reflect a healthy chakra system, though, are not always supported in our physical lives. Sometimes, people’s chakras are not distinct. For instance, the first chakra and the second chakra are blended when people feel as though specific relationships are linked to their survival; likewise, the third and fourth chakras may be conjoined when people’s self-worth is defined by their work, and, consequently, they feel worthless without particular jobs. Additionally, when we experience shocks, hardships, injuries, mistreatments, diseases, deaths, and similar kinds of knocks, our chakra systems must integrate this information, re-balance, and land on a new pace. Each chakra has its own way of handling this process.

When Chakras Get Blocked: The Birthplace of Pain

However, sometimes we get stuck. When the energy flow through or within a chakra is blocked, we experience pain. It could be any sort of pain: physical, mental, emotional, psychic, social, financial, etc. Being able to restore the energetic current throughout the chakra system can clear the stuckness, as well as its corresponding pain.

Strengthening your Chakras and Living Gracefully

As the chakras recalibrate, we grow as spiritual beings. With experience, we learn to navigate life and maintain our pace and equilibrium, despite the changes that we undergo. While spiritual growth deserves acknowledgment, the growth does not erase any injustices that we have undergone. We can grow through support and encouragement as well as through pain and fear. Nonetheless, when we grow spiritually, that growth is evident in our chakra system. It is stored in our spiritual bodies, and available to us throughout our journey through various lifetimes. 

Spiritual growth requires that we face and move through challenges, but it rewards us with increased capability and flexibility to live more fully and gracefully. 


Blog written by Heidi SzycherAnimal Communications Instructor at the Boulder Psychic Institute.

Connect with Heidi Here

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