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Spirituality and Black Lives Matter Movement

Make sure you’ve done your healing work.

Spirituality and Black Lives Matter go hand in hand because in order to have social change, we also need spiritual change. You may know intellectually that you need to change and evolve with the times, but in order to fully integrate social evolution, try getting an update from Mother Earth.

Update your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies to be able to participate with your fellow people on the planet from a place of wholeness.

Spirituality and Black Lives Matter involves the planet!

In this live meditation, Miwa will take you to the center of the Earth to get a healing from deep within the planet as well as create a vibrational shift to foster harmony between the people that want change and the people that are afraid of change.

This meditation is part of a series of meditations that Miwa recorded during the pandemic (see links below). They’re just as relevant today as they were in 2020.

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Meditate with Miwa.

Watch more of Miwa’s live meditations here. These meditations are great any time you’re struggling with anxiety or feeling overwhelmed.

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Self Healing 101 is our four-week intro course.

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