Whether you’re brand new to spirituality, or looking to better your craft, this is the playground where pure psychic wisdom meets potent bliss.
At the end of the day, it’s not about the dimly-lit rooms that are smothered in incense. It’s not the fluff of flashing lights, drapey velvet robes, or Ouija boards. (Though don’t get us wrong — we love a good velvet robe.)
Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what’s going on externally. It centers on you — your soul, your fulfillment, and your willingness to adventure inside.
At its core, the work we do here unlocks your root magic so you can start making moves. From true healing to tapping into your life’s purpose, we’re here to show you how.
When I was kid I used to believe anything was possible & that dreams really could come true. The older I became I realized that I was sold a dream about dreams 😩. So that meant getting in line & following a pre-planned template for living life — go to college, find a high paying job, have kids, get married, go to church & try not to be “weird”. 2019 is when I joined BPI and that is when I got a 2nd chance at dreaming again. Plus I got an added bonus—bringing those dreams down to the physical plane. “As above, so below”.
My biggest fear was that the practices wouldn't work for me and I wouldn't be psychic. Instead, the instructors taught me how to relax, enjoy myself, and really trust what I was seeing. This material goes above and beyond the totally reasonable amount I've paid for it. And actually, I've begun making more money in some areas of my life *because* of the practices at the BPI.
I’ve gained so many tools that are practical and useful for both me and all of those who I love. I feel lighter and happier, even when I have those tough days. When things go wrong, I have better methods of dealing with it. I know that there is much more to learn. I appreciate the BPI to infinity!
What they show you here is matter of fact and not filled with wishy washy language. It's more of revealing what's already there so you can see and test for yourself. It will help you be in the driver's seat of your life in a deep, intentional and resonant way. I am grateful my child is learning about this just from being around it from a young age - I wish each of us to learn this from birth. Because it is ours to know. These are our tools. If everyone knew they had access to them, the world would be a much much brighter, more evolved place.
It’s about just showing up to learn cool stuff I can use to make my life and my relationships better. Check out the Self-Healing 101 program and see if it vibes with you!
There’s my so much freedom it's given me in terms of how I see life now. And I can't thank BPI enough for that. The teachings are very complete, supported and experiential. The staff is incredibly wise, knowledgeable and supportive. I want to say thank you so much to all the BPI staff, it's such important work that you do, the planet needs us more than ever.
It will remind you that you always have a choice to experience life in a fun and lighthearted way, and to tackle problems with the eagerness and openness of a child. It’s that easy, and “you can always heal that”. ;-) I’m very grateful for your existence, playfulness and generosity! Hope I can get to know you all IRL someday and give in return even an ounce of what you’ve given me.
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